woensdag 28 oktober 2009

Turkish republiek day

Hello everyone,
Lavinada here!
on stardoll you can biy stuff from turkey it's from the Turkisch republiek day ..
in the magazine that you see in the hand of the doll on this picture you can read why it's and where moremoremore..

x lavinada



It has sales in shop
They are fun things for little money.

xx m.argo

maandag 12 oktober 2009

Hot Buys Dress

The new Hot Buys Dress is now in Starplaza! (;
He's inspired by Alexander Mcqueen.
For 15stardollars he's yours.
Buy. :D


donderdag 8 oktober 2009

A New Doll: Emilie Autumn

Some information about her:
Born: September 22, 1979 (1979-09-22) (age 30)
Occupations: Musician, Writer, Poet and Artist.
Years active: 2000 – present
Website: www.emilieautumn.com

I loveee her style and she plays great fiddle.
Only her singing skills are really bad.
I dont like it!

Xxxx kissilovergirl <3

maandag 5 oktober 2009

Free dog

Go to: schoolunlock.info
Typ in the adresbalk: stardoll.com
Log in on Stardoll & close the proxy.
Now you have the dog. (;

Free Fame Clothes.

Hello, there are free Fame clothes.
Go to the cinema and watch the Fame video!
Then go to your suite and you have the clothes =D

Xxxx kissilovergirl

zondag 4 oktober 2009

Hot Buys Jacket

Now in Starplaza. ;'D
And for 12sd it's yours! But is SS only, tss
The jacket is inspired by this hot [Picture] Louis Vuitton jacket.
I absolutly gonna buy, what about you guys?
Comment. :P

Club: x-Hotbuys

hello everyone,
lavinada here! .. i maked a new club it's called: x-Hotbuys
but i have 5 mebers please join the club .

vrijdag 2 oktober 2009

Baby Phat

Baby Phat is in the shop now!
The items are really expensive, that sucks. :[
But I love the shoes!
What is your opinion 'bout the clothes?
Comment. :'D

donderdag 1 oktober 2009

Red Carpet

Again Red Carpet items! This time they are inspired by Emporio Armani and Versus.
Really must have, but they are kinda expensive!
Uh.. I'm not very sure or I gonna buy them...
Let me know if you buy. (;
Pictures by seenonstardoll
With love,

Free Black Star

We all know Black Star, right?
From Avril Lavigne? ;)
Well, I have good news for you, cause a fex of the Black Star clothes are free!
The only thing you have to do is: Go to schoolunlock.info
And paste: http://www.stardoll.com/en/campaigns/blackstar/
Just log in to Stardoll & the stuff will be yours. :'D

With love,


Danger danger!
This blog get take over by an alien. Haha, no. :'D
I'm just the new writer. (a)
My name is Cora and on Stardoll Cora___ . :'D
Original isn't?
Ghehee, my English totaly sucks, but I do my best. (a)
Translators for president!
I gonna write about new stuff on Stardoll etc. So, I hope you gonna love my posts. ^-^
With love,
Btw, I love comments! So comment bitches.